When traps are being designed, it’s for a specific animal, insect or for a certain purpose. We face traps every day. Sometimes traps are for pests that are causing annoyance to an individual. Traps are also placed to stop damage from occurring in areas like roofs from squirrels, racoons etc. Traps do not have to be designed a certain way that’s visible. We can have a trap of sorts that we have placed ourselves in. Some people refuse to see the warning signs of danger ahead. They wander and walk around the blinking sign instead of reading the warning. Sometimes people are set-up and placed in a trap because they are targeted. The trap can come from someone you’re familiar with or from a stranger.
Going swimming in a lake with alligators could be a trap if you don’t notice the signs. Driving down a road at night with the bridge under construction and you miss the warning can be a trap. If you are facing a “trap” in life, don’t worry. All traps are made with releases. When designing a trap, the maker should be able to release the thing that is trapped. When faced with an issue or trap that seems impossible to get around, don’t give up. There is always a way to get out of it. The release may take years (prison) or it may only be a couple of days (hospital). We are responsible for the road we decide to travel on in life. The road may lead to poor health if you refuse to listen to your doctor.
Going out with a cute guy that is not on the same path as you could also be a trap if you’re not careful. What are the warning signs? Are you willing to deal with the issues he is facing in his life?
Make the right decisions even when you don’t want to do it. You may be screaming inside because the ice cream looks delicious but, your heart will thank you if you skip it because of high cholesterol warning.
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