Some people go through life accomplishing goals life finishing college, getting married, having children, and spending time with family and friends. Some of the things that are in the back of the mind are the dreams that are now just that, dreams. Remember when you were a child and had dreams of sky diving, becoming a doctor, an engineer, a pilot? What happened to those dreams? Did reality make you believe you couldn’t get this done? The dreams can still become reality if you take a step. When life gets so busy that the dreams are no longer attainable, it’s time to stop and re-evaluate your life.
Don’t ever get so busy with Life that you forget to live. Making a list of the dreams and desires should be done and checked off either monthly, yearly or every 2 or 3 years. Start planning the trip you talked about forever. Go to the foreign country of your desire! There are guides that can help.
Bucket List Ideas:
- Visit Paris, France
- Hiking in Washington
- White water rafting
- Sky-Diving
- Swimming with Dolphins or Sharks!
- Hang Gliding
- Writing a Book
- Go to Disney World
Just accomplishing a dream can go a long way. Remember that children dream and really believe in doing the things that are on their hearts. Adults start to look at the things going on in life and start believing that the dreams will never happen. Remain a child at heart and be bold enough to start checking off the things on your “list.” This new accomplishment will inspire you to dream even bigger!
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